Wednesday, December 23, 2015

4 Common Running Mistakes To Avoid

Everyone has a preferred workout of choice. For some, it’s hot yoga; for others, it’s a HIIT class. For me, there’s nothing better than a long run. One of the reasons I love running so much is that it’s an independent workout. Don’t get me wrong: I love the communal feeling I get from doing yoga in a big group or even jogging alongside fellow racers, but there’s something particularly meditative about running solo. I pick the route. I set the pace. I choose the playlist. My love of running hasn’t always paired with an extensive knowledge of it, however. I’ve made plenty of running mistakes and suffered the (sometimes painful!) consequences. If you’re intimidated by the thought of running your first few laps, miles, or 5k, here are four common running mistakes to avoid consider these the faux pas I’ve made so that you don’t have to.


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