Friday, December 25, 2015

Hotel Room Tabata Workout

Look! Look! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…frustrated traveler who just wants to get to get her hotel and get her workout in! Travel can be exhausting but not in the good-kind of way. Standing in airport lines. Sitting on teeny tiny airline seats. Waiting around for luggage. And in the midst of it all, you don’t even have your regular workout to put some energy back into that weary body.

Well, here is your solution and it can be done right in your hotel room! Or the hotel gym, if your lucky enough to have one. This five-move, full-body tabata workout will take you less than 20 minutes but will give you the energy to enjoy your trip and burn off some of those bad, airport-food calories (or hopefully good, restaurant food calories instead!) All you need is a little space and something to time seconds with.


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