Friday, December 25, 2015

10-Minute Beginner Tabata Workout

So you’ve heard about Tabata intervals, but you’re not sure they are for you? Here’s a workout that will win you over without knocking you down. The beauty of Tabata workouts is that they can be done in a gym, on a bike, out on a hiking trail, or in your own home. They can be high-impact, low-impact, or a combination of both. Best of all, there are moves that a beginner can practice and quickly graduate to something more intense if desired.

Try each of these 4 exercises going as hard as you can for 20 seconds and then take a quick 10 second rest. Repeat this 4 times and you’ve got yourself a Tabata! Once you finish the first Tabata, move to the second exercise and start it again. In 10 minutes you’ve got yourself an intense, but attainable workout.


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