Friday, December 25, 2015

9 Things To Expect At Your First CrossFit Class

CrossFit clueless? CrossFit curious? CrossFit confused? No worries, so are many people! But, CrossFit is as popular as ever right now, so I want to give you the low down on my experience and what to expect for yourself. Three months ago with a little push from Groupon, I took the plunge and joined the craze. I signed up for an introductory month at my local box, CrossFit My Town in Plymouth, Minnesota, and only one week into my newfound fitness adventure, CrossFit became my new favorite hour of the day (Sorry, Happy Hour!).

If you’re completely new to this term, CrossFit is high intensity functional fitness. You train to live healthier and perform everyday, natural movements in a more functional and efficient way. CrossFitters want to excel in all 10 areas of fitness (cardio, respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, power, flexibility, speed, agility, coordination, balance, and accuracy) instead of, for example, just being able to lift something really heavy and set it down. The workouts are constantly varied, never boring, and just plain fun.


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