Friday, December 25, 2015

Best Bicep and Tricep Workouts You’ve Never Tried

Are you a little bored with bicep curls and tricep kickbacks to get those killer arms? Maybe what you need is a little change of thinking. Let’s go back to the oldest resistance method in the book: body weight training.  No excuses, no limitations to where, when and how.  All you need is your body weight and your mental game so you stay focused. Breathe deep, and most importantly, don’t cheat on range of motion.

So what can you do to vary it up? Drop the dumbbells and add these awesome bicep and tricep bodyweight exercises to you next workout. You can break out these moves in your basement, the gym or a park bench. You can even get through a set of each exercise during a commercial break! Stay consistent –it’s seriously simple and you will be seriously sculpted and strong!


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