Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Number One Workout Mistake You Could Be Making

Okay, don’t get me wrong. I love to sweat. (Don’t most fitness instructors?)  I love high intensity workouts and challenging my body in new ways whether that’s with a kettlebell or a battle rope workout or a mountain I want to hike my butt up. So when I tell you that you don’t have to wage war on your body to get fit, I am not saying to skip intense workouts. 

I like the intensity of CrossFit, HIIT workouts, boot camps and mud runs. I like seeing sweat drip, heart rates elevated, and heavy breathing. What I don’t like is the trend towards thinking we need to beat down our bodies till they hurt. Working out till we can’t move and believing that is a badge of honor.  What is going on in our heads that makes us think that if we assault our body to the point of pain, we have accomplished something? Isn’t the point of exercise to support our bodies not break them down.  But why do we so often ignore this piece of advice and come into the gym swinging with a No Pain, No Gain attitude? I love a challenge and I love endorphins but the fine line of using our bodies as a punching bag for stress instead of making ourselves better is the one workout mistake you may want to consider changing.


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