Friday, December 25, 2015

One Change that Can Dramatically Improve Your Health

Do you often think about how you want to improve your health and read a lot about how to do it? I’ve spent my career as a health coach, fitness trainer and speaker, but in college, I majored in journalism. Still to this day, I love to learn new things. I’m always reading, researching and learning new things. And it’s so easy to do. Just grab your iPhone and you can read on the go when you are waiting in line or stuck at an airport. I just love acquiring new knowledge! Yet learning on its own is not enough. You have to take what you learn and apply it turning it into action. This is the one critical step that is so obvious, but often overlooked.

If you struggle with losing weight, eating healthy foods, or getting fit, you probably spend a good deal of time acquiring knowledge on how you can change. Maybe you read blogs, watch fitness videos, acquire healthy tip lists or spend money on fitness books and DVDs. While I applaud you for investing in your health and well-being, I have one question for you: What are you doing with that information?


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