Wednesday, December 23, 2015

30-Minute Anywhere Bodyweight Workout

Time to go to the gym! Pack a change of clothes, check. Find the right shoes, check. Fill up a water bottle, check. Throw in a post-workout snack, check. Maybe a comb and a little powder in case I stop at Target, check. Okay, I’m exhausted and I haven’t even left my house. Good news. There truly is no more need for a gym or fitness center. Don’t get me wrong they are great places to workout, find a new energy, and socialize with others. But if you are time crunched, pocket-book crunched, or just not interested in wasting the time to drive somewhere to get your workout in, here is the solution for you. The gives you strength and cardio all in 30 minutes and all with just you and your own bodyweight.


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