Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top 6 Moves To Prevent Flabby Arms

Have you had that moment when you stop waving goodbye but your arms don’t? Ouch. That’s a tough one to swallow. Or maybe you haven’t reached that point yet but you DEFINITELY don’t want to. Flabby arms are such an “old lady moment” and the first time you realize you have them, a new mantra of “long sleeves forever” might come to mind. But don’t put away those tank tops or short sleeves yet. How about trying something to firm up those arms and make your triceps beautiful again? It CAN be done.

First and foremost, let’s stick to science. You cannot spot reduce your arms or any other part of your body for that matter by working only that particular muscle. In other words, you cannot do a bunch of upper arm exercises and expect to see results solely from those moves alone, especially if you are carrying extra weight. Start by having a good clean diet and some cardiovascular exercise. This will help start the fat burning train, so to speak. That being said, by working your arm muscles and firming the muscles below the skin, your arms will be tighter, more shapely and less prone to waving on their own. So lets get started toning up those arms and making them beautiful again!


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