Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Stability Ball Butt Blaster Workout

Are you looking for a new way to blast off that backside? Tired of the same old lower body workouts? While routine can keep us going, the same routine can stall our progress. The problem with the same workout over and over is that as we grow accustomed to to the moves, our body gets bored and produces less in terms of results. 

In addition, the same workouts can foster less intense or less frequent workouts. When this happens, what you need is a new way to tackle an old problem, and in this case we’re talking about that droopy derriere! This stability ball workout brings a fresh take on old stand-by methods, while adding the dimension of instability into the mix. Twice through this routine and not only will your rear end be on fire, you’re on your way to a perkier behind!


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