Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How To Deal, Heal, And Workout With Plantar Fasciitis

You step out of bed and your foot hurts. You don’t remember injuring yourself and since it feels better the more you walk around, you assume it’s a fluke. The next morning there it is again. “Strange,” you think. “I’m sure it will go away,” but it persists. Gradually it hurts more. But still, it feels better when you move around on it so it can’t be bad, right? Wrong. You have plantar fasciitis (“plan-tur-fash-ee-eye-tis”), a common foot injury and a fairly easy one to fix if you act early. Which I guess is the first tip: do not wait to treat this injury. The longer you wait, the worse it gets and the longer it will take to heal. So what is this strangely named problem and just what should you do about it?


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