Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Total-Body Wall Workout That Works

If you have access to a wall, you have a no-gym way to sneak in a quick strength and cardio challenge that’ll make big changes in your body, mood, and energy levels. With these few simple exercises, you can tone and tighten the areas we all want to work (butt, belly, legs, and triceps) no matter where you are or how crazy-busy your day. Just find an artwork- and furniture-free spot and get to it.

Here’s how it works: Do each exercise for 60 seconds, performing as many reps as possible with good form. Rest for 30 seconds between exercises. For an added bonus, do the entire circuit a total of 2 or 3 times. If you have a set of hand weights available, grab ’em (you’ll need them for the first move). If not, your own body weight will still provide a great workout.


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