Wednesday, December 23, 2015

7 Workout Mistakes That Can Leave You In Pain

Whether you wake up before the sun to exercise, sneak in a quick sweat session during lunch, or race to the gym still in your work clothes, we applaud you. Working out adds years to your life and life to your years! But, now that you’ve got this awesome gym groove going, don’t let your dedication get detoured by human error. As a fitness trainer, I see it all time: little workout mistakes that leave you in big pain. You think you’re doing something correctly, but in reality, you could be causing unnecessary injuries and soreness. And believe me, some of these things I’ve learned by doing. Lend your health a hand by reading this quick refresher on seven common workout mistakes to avoid. And if you’ve already experienced a few of your own “Ouch” moments, I have the best pain solutions covered, too!


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