Wednesday, December 23, 2015

20-Minute Prenatal Cardio Workout

Modern medicine has recognized that pregnant women not only can, but should continue to exercise and move throughout their pregnancy. Exercise not only benefits the mother, but the baby as well. Many pregnancy journals or exercise websites will recommend walking and swimming as the best prenatal cardio exercises. These are certainly great choices. But, the reality is that sometimes you can’t get to a pool or the weather doesn’t permit an outdoor walk. Plus, who can do the same exercise routine for nine months? That’s why we’ve put together a 20-minute low-impact workout specifically for the mom-to-be. This cardio workout will keep you at a low to moderate intensity and give you five different exercises, so you don’t overtrain on one particular move. Your new body and center of gravity is going to continuously change and likely feel different nearly every day! So the variety in this workout will help prevent repetitive-use injuries.


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