Tuesday, December 22, 2015

10 At-Home Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight doesn’t have to be incredibly confusing. It’s all about educating yourself so you understand that simple lifestyle changes can produce significant results! Here are 10 simple steps that you can implement to start your own lifestyle change!

1. Stable Sleep
Getting 6.5-8.5 hours of sleep a night is helpful for processing memories, brain health and keeping our immune system operating at full capacity (Bryant et al 2004). It has also been shown to be associated with a lower body fat and healthier weight (Bailey et al 2013).

2. Limit TV Time
If you are spending too much time on the TV, phone, tablet, or computer then it’s time to cut the cord. Only allowing yourself to watch a minimal amount of TV a day will provide you with a ton of free time to improve your life. Cutting out 30 minutes of TV a day can give you time for a quick workout. You can get an incredible workout in under 20 minutes!


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