Monday, December 21, 2015

50+ Ways To Lose Weight

There are as many diets these days with the goal to take in fewer and burn more calories to lose weight. Finding several simple small things you can do on a daily basis as well as following the cardinal rules of eating less fat, eating more vegetables and getting more exercise will get you off to a good start. With the right combination you should see the weight melt away.

Moderate the less healthy foods - If you like ice cream add a spoonful to top off your bowl of fruit. When having chips and salsa take just enough salsa on the chip to compliment the 2-3 bites per chip. Like cheese on your salad? Top your salad with a small sprinkle of cheese and if it’s light cheese all the better. If you eat the less healthy foods in small moderation it’s better for your diet.

Read More On  50+ Ways To Lose Weight


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