Wednesday, December 23, 2015

4 Treadmill Workouts To Beat Boredom

Quick. What’s the first thing you think of when I say the word “treadmill”? Does it conjure up lots of positive, happy thoughts or do you immediately think “dreadmill”? No matter how you look at it, you have to admit that the treadmill is a nice tool to have access to. Whether it’s cold, wintery days, pouring rain with lightning, or maybe even a small hotel gym in a strange city, sometimes we just can’t get outside for our workouts and a treadmill workout is there to save the day. Here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be boring! You don’t need to set the tempo and then stare at the numbers as they count down just praying it will move a little quicker. When you plan interval workouts, not only does the time fly by but the time you need is lessened while the calories you burn is increased!


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