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Thursday, December 31, 2015

8 Hard Realities About Making Exercise A Habit

Many of you have been trying to make exercise a habit. Some of you may have already succeeded in that goal. Either way, I’m proud of you for making fitness a part of your life even if you’re not always perfect at it. A consistent exercise routine offers so many benefits to your mind and your body, many of which you are probably already beginning to experience.

7 Moves That Shed Pounds Fast

Tone up, burn calories, build muscles shed unwanted pounds with these seven easy moves, that combine strength training and cardio. This workout is going to be the most effective for your calorie burn and your schedule, assuming you have limited time like most of the women who read my blog.

Do each move as many times as you can in 30 seconds, while maintaining good form, then go to the next one. Complete circuit three times, twice a week.

17 Tips To Ensure An Awesome Workout

We’ve all been there. You know, that dark place where it feels like nothing short of a personal invitation from Brad Pitt will get you off the couch and into the gym. But whether you’re battling workout boredom, weight loss plateaus, or injuries, you don’t have to let any obstacle sidetrack your fitness. All you need is the right preparation. These 17 tips will get you ready and rekindle your passion for working out.

8 Most Useless Exercises (That Can Also Cause Harm)

Do you take your workouts seriously? Do you have limited time? Do you want to be safe while training? If you answered “yes” to any of the preceding questions, then consider the following. Some exercises, even those that are considered “classic,” simply aren’t worth the time they require and may even be dangerous.

5 Amazing Benefits Of A “10 Minutes Brisk Workout”

No time for yourself? Well, you are not alone. The world today is whirling at neck break speed. Everyone is busy someone is busy with his or her professional life; someone is busy raising kids, while someone is a busy homemaker or a student. No matter the reason, the fact remains that you are missing out on a healthy life and it is because of your hectic schedule.

We all know that we need to workout to remain healthy. But not many actually get down to exercising! And the excuse? “I am too busy”!

Well, if you are one of those busy people, we have some good news for you! You can now workout without spending hours at the gym! All you need to do is invest 10 minutes every day and voila, you’ll have your very own workout regimen!

11 Ways To Increase The Intensity Of Your Plank Workout

Want a move that works your arms, abs, legs and bum? Time to get planking. The plank works everything from your abs to your glutes, and you can make it work even harder for you.

If you’re not new to the world of starring into the middle distance trying to count your way through the pain, then it’s about time you stepped up your game.

8 Simple Ways To Blast Your Flabby Belly

Flabby belly or belly pooch whatever you call it, we all hate it and we all strive to get rid of it – we spend countless hours at the gym targeting that specific area just to get rid of it. Not only does our flabby belly zap our self-confidence, it additionally ups our chances of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. So what is the best way to rid yourself of that annoying flabby belly? Below, you’ll find 8 very effective steps you can take to eliminate your belly pooch, going from flab to fab in no time.

7 Reasons to Try High-Intensity Interval Training

If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or have heard the buzz surrounding it, you know that it’s a super fast, very effective way to work out. Basically, HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between. Essentially, it’s crazy-efficient—which means you could be spending less time in the gym each week while still cashing in on all the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, and heart-pounding benefits. If you’re still not convinced that HIIT is worth a try, read on for even more of its advantages.

7 Moves To Transform Your Abs

Sporting a flatter midsection is an ongoing goal for many of us. Some days, we feel bikini ready, and other days we would rather keep our stomach covered up. Whether you prefer flat or muscular abs, it takes time, dedication, consistency and the right combination of exercises. Here, we show you how to get a flat stomach with a workout by combining cardio, planks, and other additional ab exercises. This workout is designed to get your abs muscles exhausted, sore and then look amazing in 30 days. Good Luck.

Top 10 Dumbbell Exercises And Their Benefits

Today’s sedentary lifestyle has made it extremely important for people to exercise regularly. Dumbbell exercises form an essential part of any strength training program. The most important benefit of dumbbell exercises is that along with strengthening the main muscle, it gets you input from other vital stabilising muscles as well.

What’s Your Fitness Goal

Every night thousands slip into slumber dreaming of Kareena’s size 0 figure, Deepika’s  lean toned legs or Salmans six pack, only to wake up to the harsh reality of stubborn love handles, dimples in the wrong places and the love for dessert visible on the belly.

Every day thousands determine to make today the first day of their fitness journey and every night they decide to make tomorrow that day.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Beautiful Biceps Workout

We would like to share our personal workout for beautiful biceps.  At SkinnyMs. we make working out a priority, regardless of time constraints. This is one of our favorite bicep routines and take my word for it, “Great Results” will come when performing this routine twice weekly. Gale Compton of

Read More On  Beautiful Biceps Workout

3-Step Flat Belly Challenge

Ready for positive change? Whether you want to tone that tummy for swimsuit season or slim down after having a baby, you can make the changes needed to see results. This 3-step flat belly challenge is the right place to start your journey.

Flat bellies don’t necessarily come from cranking out a bajillion crunches. Instead, they come from a commitment to making changes in how you eat and exercise. When you incorporate these flat belly tips into your lifestyle you’ll notice a difference you can see and feel.

15-Minute Arm Sculpting Workout

Ready for sleeveless dresses, swimsuits, and tank tops? If your arms aren’t quite yet in warm weather condition, we can help you to tone and tighten them with a quick workout. Just take 15 minutes out of your day, only two days per week, and you’ll see sculpted arms before you’re ready to shed your cardigans.

Defined arms don’t take hours to sculpt. In 15 minutes, this non-stop arm workout will build your biceps and triceps, leaving you with the perfect balance. You’ll perform curls, kickbacks, and tricep extensions in order to work these key arm muscles in ways that will produce visible results. This workout is all weights. No chisel needed.

15 Minute Total Body Fat Blaster

Your time is precious and the hours you spend at the gym each week add up over weeks and months. If you’d like to save yourself time but still get fit, you need a quick total body workout. This fat blasting workout will shape your body in under 15 minutes. Targeting every major muscle group at a high tempo rate, this workout is great in a pinch and can be done at home or in the gym.

6 Moves To Get Rid Of Back Fat

Excess body fat can be a nuisance, but back fat tends to be a little more troublesome. It spills over and around our bras and sticks out from our sides, leaving our silhouettes less sleek and toned than we would like. In order to help you to get rid of back fat, we’ve created a simple work designed to build your back muscles and burn fat. It’s difficult to specifically target where you burn fat, but building your back muscles will help focus on that area.

Reverse fly moves and standing twists lead the way into Supermans, renegade rows, seal jacks, and dumbbell rows for a well-rounded workout that targets every inch of your back and promises a leaner, more toned look.

30-Day Summer Body Workout Calendar

Looking ahead at your calendar shows how quickly summer is approaching. Warm weather means lighter clothing and a little more skin showing. Getting your body ready for this transition doesn’t take long. With a strong routine, dedication, and great eating habits, transforming your body can happen in as little as 30 days.

This 30-day workout calendar is designed to get you excited about bringing out your tees, tank tops, and shorts. The calendar starts your week off with a morning workout to get your metabolism surging and get your momentum going for the week. Every 7th day is your rest day, so at the beginning of your week, you’ll perform a morning workout to keep the flow going.

Top 5 Outdoor Gyms in Los Angeles

When you’re in Los Angeles, the perfect temperature, ample sunshine, and gorgeous views will make you want to spend most of your time enjoying the outdoors. Luckily, L.A. knows that you like an outdoor workout, and offers a variety of outdoor gyms for the fitness enthusiast. Get toned in the warm sunshine at these ideally located outdoor gyms.

Monday, December 28, 2015

5 Workout Challenges that Will Rock Your World

We’ve designed 5 workout challenges that will absolutely Rock Your World!!! Choose a few, or all 5 of the Challenges, and get started today. You will love the results! We highly recommend following a clean eating plan in order to maximize the effectiveness of all the challenges below. The recipes at SkinnyMs. are all considered clean.

Beautiful Back Home Workout

Love to wear racerback tops and dresses, tanks, and spaghetti straps? Imagine how fit and toned you’ll look with a beautifully sculpted back and tight, toned chest muscles. Achieve the look you want with this simple, convenient home workout!

10-Day Run/Walk Program

New routines force our bodies to change for the better to accommodate new movements. Most running programs start with walking, in order to get our bodies used to the demand. Once we start running, walking for fitness seems like a foreign idea. But adding walking to your running program can make a huge difference in your results.

Our 10-day run/walk program is a fun challenge for intermediate runners. The combination of walking, running, and jogging causes our bodies to work at different levels to compensate for the energy we’re exerting. After running for a specific time, cardio walking provides us with an active recovery. This keeps our bodies working while we catch our breath and prepare for the next round of work.

Read More On  10-Day Run/Walk Program

6 Minutes to a Better Butt

When a butt workout takes the same amount of time as, say, a run to the office vending machines, a snarky instant message conversation with a coworker, or a quick review of what’s on television tonight, there truly are no more excuses. This intense butt workout takes only six minutes of your time, and delivers optimum results.

We begin with pulse squats and lead into a weighted half squat. From there, perform dumbbell step-ups, side lunges, and box jumps. You’ll be using medium to heavy weights when working out your gluteal muscles, since large muscles require (you guessed it) heavier weights! When you perform each exercise for a full 45 seconds with just a 15 second rest in between each one, your rear end will truly begin to feel the burn.

10 Bodyweight Moves for a Do-Anywhere Workout

When your schedule is tight, you may find yourself puzzling over how to fit a workout into your day. While driving to the gym or getting to the park or the river for a run may not seem like a hassle in theory, in practice, some days, we need all the time we can get. Throwing on workout clothes and getting moving wherever is most convenient is key for those of us with busy schedules. This do-anywhere workout is designed to allow you to workout from home, the office, a hotel room, park, or on the back deck. All you need is a timer, a bench or chair, and the weight of your own body to work with.

Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 1- Arms

Resistance bands don’t get enough credit. Think about how useful they are! They’re lightweight, easy to store, easy to travel with, and easy to adjust resistance (think weight swapping). Most importantly, one resistance band is a universal gym in itself. From arm, to legs, butt, back, abs, and chest, one resistance band can sculpt you from head to toe.

This arm workout is Part 1 of our 4-Week Resistance Bands Challenge. This workout will challenge you on a new level. Challenge brings change and change brings strong, toned & lean arms.

10 x 10 Climb and Descend Upper Body Workout Challenge

When you don’t have time to get to the gym for your favorite strength class, this workout will definitely give you the challenge you are missing. This upper-body strength workout, for all fitness levels, is designed to build endurance, while strengthening and toning your entire upper-body. The routine builds on itself with each round, with little to no rest recommended.  As each round progresses, start with the first exercise and work through each one until all exercises and reps are completed. Get ready for a CHALLENGE!

Why It's Okay to Fall Off the Fitness Wagon

It starts out as no big deal. You miss a workout here. Another one there. Hey, you’re busy, right? But before you know it, you can’t remember the last time you broke a sweat, and the cat has made your pile of workout clothing into a bed. Losing the motivation to work out can happen all too fast—and the fact is it can happen to anyone. Don’t panic or give up. Here’s why it’s okay to fall off the fitness wagon.

1. Each misstep brings you one step closer to success.

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a clean-eating lifestyle or trying to stay on the fitness wagon, change is a journey—one that will have backtracks and wrong turns. Maintain a fitness journal so you can see over time how far you’ve come on this journey—it will keep you motivated to stay active and fit. Try it with our 30-Day Fitness Journal Challenge.

6 Best Workout Routines For A Toned Butt

Finding an effective workout to target a specific problem area can be a challenge. Choose the wrong workout, and you just might put in a lot of work without seeing results. Looking to tone your glutes and get a great derriere? We can help! These six workouts provide tips and challenges to get you the booty you desire.

Consider including one of these 6 Best Workout Routines for a Toned Butt into your regular workout schedule, or try them all over the next few months to get a sculpted backside to be envied.

8 Ways to Walk Your Way to a Fit Body

Take a hike! No, we’re not telling you to get lost. What we’re saying is that walking is a cheap and easy way to lose weight. It’s a smart exercise for people of any fitness level, but it’s an especially good way for workout newbies to ease into a fitness routine. Read on for eight ways to walk your way to a fitter, firmer body.

1. Brisk is Best. Start by walking briskly for about 30 minutes each day. (It’s okay to start with shorter walking periods or at a less brisk pace, if necessary.) Walking for fitness is not an inconvenience or a bother. It’s an investment in your body, and one that will pay off in a stronger, healthier you.

How to Run Faster

If you’ve been running for awhile, at some point the runner’s high starts to hit you. Once you get into that zone, you’ll want to run longer and faster. Without proper training, our bodies tend to stay stuck on a plateau. We’ve created this guide on how to run faster to help you take minutes away from your run time.

Read More On  How to Run Faster

4 Week Resistance Bands Challenge: Week 4 - Core

Curtain call! Last week we toned and strengthened your chest and back. Our final challenge is all about your core. Never forget the importance of a strong lower back and abs! This is part 4 and the final workout of our 4 Week Resistance Bands Challenge.

7 Straight Out of Bed Exercises

In our busy lives, our workouts are usually what fall to the bottom of the priority list. The solution to our daily workout routines being nixed? Do a workout first thing in the morning when you wake up. That way it’s out of the way and checked off, giving you a little pep in your step for the rest of the day! These routine exercises will boost your metabolism, so you can feel the effects for the next 24 hours. Here are some of our favorite moves to do right out of bed!

Ya Gotta Tabata On The Treadmill!

Winter is upon us and so is the dreaded indoor treadmill run! Change up your run with a tabata style boost. This 30 minute workout will rev up your metabolism and keep your treadmill run fresh.

Kettlebell Butt Lift Workout

Get your hardcore butt lift here! Squats and deadlifts are two of the best ways to give your booty a little natural lift. Pump up your workout with kettlebells! They challenge your balance with every exercise, giving you a good core workout along with targeting those glutes and hamstrings.

7 Exercises to Shed Pounds and Tone-Up

Weight loss exercises that double as toning exercises aren’t as hard to come by as one might think. While you may think that exercises focus on either one or the other, this most certainly is not the case. These 7 exercises will challenge your cardiovascular system and well as your muscular system to create a balanced total body workout attack for great overall fitness!

7 Moves for a Tighter Butt

Would you like to see your butt perfectly fill out your favorite pair of jeans? Achieving your goals takes work, and this butt workout will help you to tighten your butt, making a huge difference in its appearance. A tight butt allows your jeans to fit perfectly around it, accentuating the curves you’ve worked so hard to achieve!

This butt workout isolates your glutes to get them round and tight. Without the heavy lifting, we’ve designed a workout that will burn your glutes. By combining a variety of squats with different variations on kickbacks, and rounding things out with a deadlift, we’ve put together all the right moves to tighten, tone, and sculpt your butt. Remember to sit down extra carefully tomorrow!

20 Minutes Fat Burning Techniques

This workout is for the more advanced crowd– or those who are ready to increase their heart rates and encourage muscle burn! This fat loss routine is based on the theory behind Spartacus Workouts that feature metabolic circuits, meaning that this workout is a fast-paced workout routine that combines weight lifting and cardiovascular exercises simultaneously, boosting metabolism for up to 48 hours.  

That’s what makes this workout so efficient! This protocol is a proven fat loss technique.  Fat burning techniques this efficient are definitely worth trading in your treadmill or old boring weight lifting routine for.  This is one fat blasting routine you are guaranteed to see results from fast. Increase weight loss and change your body composition for the better!

9 Steps – Getting to Ideal Weight

Losing weight can sound simpler than it is. In theory, it’s just a matter of using more calories than you take in. But anyone who’s tried to shed pounds knows that reality can work against us. We feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals. But you can lose weight if you have the strategies to do it. Here’s a 9 step plan for getting to your ideal weight and staying there:

Jazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata Workout

Jazz up your cardio routine with our Jacks and Jumps Tabata workout! Who said Jumping Jacks can’t be fun AND give you a phenomenal workout?

Equipment Needed: jump rope, interval timer, water

What to Do: Complete each exercise as fast as you can for 20 seconds each with 10 seconds in between each exercise for a total of 8 exercises/1 tabata. Change it up and complete each exercise 8 times for a 32 minute tabata workout!

7 Day Back & Shoulder Challenge

The 7 Day Back and Shoulder Challenge offers something we all would love to have, a sculpted back and shoulders, minus the extra fat. Defined shoulders give the illusion of having a smaller waist and a developed back is beautiful, there’s no denying it. After doing this challenge you may find yourself turning around, looking in the mirror and admiring all your hard work. Keep going after this challenge, 1-2 days a week of working a particular muscle group will get you one awesome body. This challenge also includes fat burning workouts to help get rid of the extra back fat.

7 Day Back & Shoulder Challenge

The 7 Day Back and Shoulder Challenge offers something we all would love to have, a sculpted back and shoulders, minus the extra fat. Defined shoulders give the illusion of having a smaller waist and a developed back is beautiful, there’s no denying it. After doing this challenge you may find yourself turning around, looking in the mirror and admiring all your hard work. Keep going after this challenge, 1-2 days a week of working a particular muscle group will get you one awesome body. This challenge also includes fat burning workouts to help get rid of the extra back fat.

7 Boot Camp Workouts for A Total Body Challenge

A boot camp workout is all about pushing your body until every part is exhausted. These workouts will test your drive and when you finish them, you’ll like a champion. Be your own drill sergeant and push yourself by trying any one of these 7 boot camp workouts on your way to a strong, healthy body.

7 Moves for Maximum Fat-Burning

You know they’re out there. Those fat-burning exercises that you could be doing to maximize calorie and fat burn rewards. But there’s just so much information! Which moves should you choose? We know the world of fitness can be overwhelming and confusing sometimes, so we’ve put a workout to cut, quite literally, through the fat and deliver to you the seven best moves for burning fat.

Worried it might be too complicated? It’s not. In fact, all you need for these fat-burning moves is yourself, a yoga mat, and a set of dumbbells. For precision and motivation, download one of the many free interval timer apps. We even included easy-to-follow videos below so you can see exactly how each move is done.

10-Minute Metabolism Booster

Feeling a little sluggish? Has your metabolism slowed to a crawl? Whenever these symptoms appear, just whip out the 10-Minute Metabolism Booster Workout. The faster your metabolism, the more fat you’ll burn. It’s really that simple. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

All you need is a set of light weights and a free interval timer app download. You can do the metabolism booster almost anytime or anywhere! Just work your way through from the beginner to the advanced rounds and begin to notice your metabolism speeding up. Metabolism-boosting workouts can be complicated, but we’ve simplified the process so you can maximize results! So what are you waiting for?

7 Day Push-Up Challenge

Do you consider yourself to be overweight?  Whether you want to lose 15 or 200 pounds, we’ve got a workout for you. We love doing fitness challenges at SkinnyMs.  But before you say, “No way can I do a push-up, let alone a push-up challenge”, think again!  This challenge is for everyone, regardless of size, weight or age.  There is no floor involved in this fitness challenge, only you, and either a desk, a kitchen or bathroom couter top, or a wall.

Read More On  7 Day Push-Up Challenge

Foam Rolling: The Best Kept Secret

Do you have knee or shoulder pain for no apparent reason? Do your joints make grinding or clicking sounds when you move? Are you a fitness enthusiast, a runner or casual exerciser? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, you should try foam rolling!

Why Should You Foam Roll?
Foam rolling is becoming ever more popular but it has been around for many years when only the pros used this technique to relieve pain and prevent injury.  Foam rolling is basically at-home deep tissue massage therapy as it relaxes and stretches muscles. By doing so it helps with correcting postural imbalances, improving faulty movement patterns, taking pressure off joints, easing muscle soreness, and keeping muscles at their original length. Foam rolling is just as important as stretching to keep you exercising many more years without injuries.

10 Reasons You're Struggling to Lose Weight

UGHH! That’s the universal cry of any woman who’s ever stepped on a scale only to find it hasn’t budged downward. It’s frustrating. It’s disheartening. But it’s one challenge you can overcome. Here are 10 reasons you’re struggling to lose weight, and tips for how to overcome them.

Losing any amount of weight can be a challenge, particularly when you lead a busy life. It can be just as frustrating to work hard to lose a lot of weight but be unable to shed those last few pounds.

Quick Cardio Fat-Blaster Workout

Short on time but want to lose some inches and pounds? Grab your mat and get ready to burn some serious calories put with our super awesome and uber effective Quick Cardio Fat-Blaster Workout. After all, how can you go wrong with “Quick” and “Fat-Blaster” in the same sentence? You can’t! So come join us.

This quick cardio workout can be done every day as part of your regular routine (like brushing your teeth). And if, like brushing your teeth, you can turn it into a daily habit, imagine the possibilities! As far as workouts to blast fat go, this one is simple, straightforward, and some might even say enjoyable. And how could you possibly say no to that? Fat-blaster workouts rock and we’re here to make sure you get rocked ASAP.

Shape Those Legs Workout for Absolute Beginners

Do you wear long pants, even in the summertime? Do you watch women wearing cute shorts or knee-length dresses with envy? Do you look in the mirror and wonder where those stumps that used be legs came from? If so, you may suffer from a serious condition known as “Need to Shape Those Legs-acitis”. Thankfully, SkinnyMs. has got the cure! Our Shape Up Size Down-Shape Those Legs Workout for Absolute Beginners has everything you need to get a pair of gams that will just beg to be shown off this summer.

15 Toning Working in 15 Minutes or Less

If you’re pressed for time, you may reconsider your workout plans when you think about the energy required to get to the gym. To guarantee that you stick to your goals, we’ve compiled 15 quick workouts that can help you tone and strengthen your entire body. No excuses, just work.

Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility

You know the importance of consistent cardiovascular exercise and strength training to your overall health, but did you know that flexibility training is just as essential to a strong body? Stretching the muscles regularly will not only work to prevent injuries, but it also will increase your range of motion, improve your circulation, and strengthen your joints. Learn more about the benefits of stretching here and give these Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility a try.

Before stretching, loosen muscles with a light warm-up, or with your regular cardiovascular workout. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds, but no longer than 2 minutes.

Stretch it Out- Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility

You know the importance of consistent cardiovascular exercise and strength training to your overall health, but did you know that flexibility training is just as essential to a strong body? Stretching the muscles regularly will not only work to prevent injuries, but it also will increase your range of motion, improve your circulation, and strengthen your joints. Learn more about the benefits of stretching here and give these Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility a try.

Before stretching, loosen muscles with a light warm-up, or with your regular cardiovascular workout. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds, but no longer than 2 minutes.

5 Low-Impact Fat-Blasters

This quick fat-blasting workout incorporates a series of six low-impact exercises. Low-impact moves are easy on the joints. They’re ideal for people recovering from injuries and anyone who wants to build joint and muscle strength before engaging in high-intensity jumping plyometric moves.

Although these moves are low-impact, they’re extremely effective at raising your heart rate and burning calories. To make the most of this fat-blasting workout, challenge yourself to give everything you have during each move. You’ll get a short ten-second break in between moves.

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