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Sunday, January 17, 2016

8 Ways To Achieve A Flat Belly

A flat belly is the goal of many women. It is one of the most challenging trouble spots on the body and can leave even the most diligent fitness buff frazzled.  To make matters worse, factors unrelated to fitness can affect the size and shape of your belly. Certain times a month you might experience belly bloat or your body might respond to certain foods by puffing out your mid-section.

This is why it is so important to use a combination of methods to burn belly fat and achieve the flat and toned belly look you crave. Hundreds of crunches, alone, won’t do the trick if you’re not following a belly fat plan. These eight ways to lose belly fat will help you achieve the look you want and make it possible to enjoy mid-riff bearing clothes and a slim, tight tummy.  Achieving a flat belly is possible at any stage in life.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

10 Tips To Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days

Obesity is a problem that affects a large number of people these days. In fact, most of them indulge in dieting even to the point of starvation and end up depriving their bodies of vital nutrients. To say the least, weight loss cannot be achieved overnight. It is a gradual process that requires effort and dedication on your part.

Most of us have this misconception that by dieting rigorously, we can achieve weight loss. But the fact is, weight loss depends upon a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is the combination of these two factors that helps you to achieve your ideal weight.

11 Proven Ways To Increase Metabolism

Every time we eat or drink, we can thank our metabolism for converting all those calories into energy. Our size, gender, and age all factor into our metabolic rate, but there are also ways to independently control its speed. And the faster our metabolism, the more calories we burn off, making that Krispy Kreme breakfast no longer such a big deal. Here are 11 ways to keep that body burning:

4 Simple Tips To Six-Pack Abs

If you do not like exercising then there is certainly a piece of good news for you. Six pack abs do not necessarily depend on exercising alone. You also have to follow a fixed diet to melt the layers of fat from your body and reveal the muscles. All of us have a six pack abdomen which is mostly hidden under the layers of subcutaneous fat.

When you start off on a six pack abs diet plan you must also remember that genetics too play a great role therefore if you are fortunate enough to be on the end of the ‘eat anything and still be skinny’ spectrum, then I envy you. But if you’re not, then here are a few diet tips that can help you reach towards that goal of a six-pack, or perhaps the oh so wonderful eight-pack.

4 Steps You Must Know to Lose Weight Successfully and Quickly

The business of fast weight loss is a multimillion dollar industry. Anytime there is an industry that is as large as the fast weight loss industry, it is going to attract many movers and shakers, political interests, lobbyists, big business interests and other interested parties all wanting their piece of the fast weight loss, money pie.

5 Killer Exercises to Torch Belly Fat Quickly

Who does not want to have flat sexy looking tummy? The fat accumulated around your tummy over the past many years due to your eating habits or after pregnancy can be hard to lose just by dieting. You must add workouts to your weight loss efforts to get rid of the love handles.  You need to understand one thing without active life style and adding exercises to your daily routine, it is hard to lose the belly fat and it is even harder to keep it off. The following sets of 5 exercises will help you lose belly fat. You will also notice that not only the fat will melt away you also be more energetic and active throughout the day. The only hurdle standing between you and losing the belly fat is your indecision and hesitation. Once you are determined to get rid of that spare tire, nothing will stop you to have a slimmer and sexier abs.

Friday, January 1, 2016

20 Tips to Build Muscles and Burn Fat Efficiently

By now you’ve probably heard loads of exercise advice  some of it conflicting, some of them myths from trainers, TV, and gym buddies. To clear things up, we sought out top fitness experts to get their take. We asked them for game-changing tips, proven difference makers shown to keep your body safe while burning fat and building muscle. 

5 Ways to Tone Your Arms Without Using Weights

Okay, we get it: Sometimes you just don’t have the time or motivation to schlep on over to the gym. Luckily, you can still get tight, toned arms without weights (and having to lift next to a guy who thinks grunting like a wild animal is appropriate in public). Jasmine Graham, founder of and owner of the boutique gym Fit Factory NYC , shared arm workouts without weights that will strengthen and tone your arms without you having to touch a barbell. Even better: You can do them at home.

Read More On  5 Ways to Tone Your Arms Without Using Weights

6 Crunch-less Moves To Transform Your Core

A lot of women still think that crunches and sit-ups are how you build a strong core, but you shouldn’t believe in either and should stop doing them. To really work your core and improve your posture, you need to get off balance and try new things.

Use the following routine that specifically targets your entire core from different angles, to create your strongest, firmest, flattest center yet. For this workout, you need to dust off your exercise ball. Watch those abs pop in no time.

6 Best Kettlebell Exercises

If you want to slim down your body and tone your muscles faster, start using kettlebells. Not only will you generate more power, build more lean muscle, and spike your metabolism, but you’ll also improve your balance and stability.

Because of its shape, you can push, pull, and swing the kettlebell like nothing else and unlock a new branch of exercises that are impossible with the tools you have now.

Follow the below six best kettlebell exercises to add more muscle, melt more fat, boost your endurance, and move better. You’ll improve your body quickly and build the foundation for every other kettlebell exercise. (Bicep curls, however, are forbidden.)

Full-Body Fat Blast and Muscle-Building Circuit

For a full-body workout, use lighter weights and perform higher reps, going from each exercise to the next with as little rest as possible. Keep moving as fast-paced as possible to keep your heart rate in the higher intensity fat burning zone (140-170 beats per minute for most of us). This routine will not only burn fat, but it will also build more muscle, which will also lead to more fat burning. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be, which is what makes your body a fat-burning “furnace!”

Rest for one minute after the complete circuit, and then repeat it two to three more times. Use a weight that challenges you enough to make you struggle during the last four to five reps on each exercise!

3 Every Day Moves For A Strong Upper Body

Are you looking for a stronger upper body? Repetition is key for building strong muscles, but you don’t have to spend multiple hours at the gym every day in order to achieve your goals. Simply do these three moves every day and you’ll see results in your upper body in no time!

3 Every Day Moves For A Strong Upper Body

Are you looking for a stronger upper body? Repetition is key for building strong muscles, but you don’t have to spend multiple hours at the gym every day in order to achieve your goals. Simply do these three moves every day and you’ll see results in your upper body in no time!

Try These 6 Yoga Poses for Flat ABS

Tired of those boring workouts? These 6 yoga poses for flat abs will have you showing off that toned tummy and will make you more confident about carrying off that figure-hugging dress! Of course, there are the regular workouts that help you get a flat tummy  the crunches, the plies and the Pilates. There is also Yoga, which offers you so many poses for flat abs that you can do at the comfort of your home. Practicing yoga regularly will lengthen and strengthen your entire body. You will soon have sleek and toned muscles, as opposed to an overall bulked up muscular look.

10 Types Of Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercises

Are you looking for a workout that can complete your makeover from flab to fab? Are you looking at toning your muscles and getting that six-pack ab? Most of us want to have a fit body, but are unaware of the kind of exercises that help us achieve that.

If you are exploring ‘the’ workout that can suit your fitness needs, then you have come to the right place! This post deals with the top aerobic and anaerobic exercises that can help you reach your fitness goals! So why the delay? 

8 Fitness Myths Could Not Be More Wrong

“Train insane to remain the same.” It looks great on a T-shirt, but so does “Female Body Inspector.” That doesn’t mean you should believe it. When it comes to health and exercise, there are certain unassailable truths. We know we should be active and maintain our bodies with respect and care. But, there are some long-held beliefs in the world of fitness that we just can’t seem to shake. As with diet myths, some of them just require a little further explanation than a simple rhyming couplet. And, others, unfortunately, are simply untrue.

8 Fat-Burning Workouts for Maximum Burn

Everyone needs a quick, effective workout in order to look fit and feel fabulous. We’ve rounded up eight of our top-rated fat-burning workouts to give you maximum burn. Having a hectic day? Try the fat-burning yoga! Is the weather keeping you in the house? Try the at-home fat-burning workout! New to exercise? There’s a fat-burning workout for you, too! Everyone is sure to find at least one routine that they enjoy. Find what works for you, mix it up, and try something new!

Top 19 Isometric Exercises And Their Benefits

Are you one of those who could get through the toughest of cardio sessions but start quaking all over while holding a squat for more than 15 seconds? Then you know isometric exercises are the real deal and nothing about them is easy. Today, isometric exercises are gaining popularity in the fitness world again. So first let’s know what is isometric exercise?

9 Effective Chest Exercises And Their Benefits For Women

Chest exercises often create confusion among women-whether to do them or not, and if yes, then what to do. After all we all love and hate our little ‘girls’! If you are in a quandary over chest exercises, here’s a simple answer yes, you need chest exercises, your workout regimen can never be compete without them!

9 Moves To Tone The Whole Body

The following strength training exercises can be performed right in your own home with a simple set of dumbbells making this workout convenient for anyone. For this workout routine to be effective,  you will need to pair together a lower body move with an upper body exercise, and then adding a core exercise to finish each ‘set’ off.

23 Ways To Get Back On To Your Fitness Track

Not long ago, you were energetic and determined to start your healthy lifestyle. Starting with enthusiasm and hope, you watched your food intake diligently, exercised like it was going out of style, and even avoided the temptation that seemed to lurk around every corner. You were confident that you were going to reach your goals once and for all!

A Flatter Belly With Just 1 Move

The secret to amazing abs? This basic workout move. Self shows us how to make it even harder. Planks. You're probably doing them wrong.

Okay, maybe not. But chances are, you could make this amazing-for-your-abs move even better. "Making simple tweaks to a basic plank helps create more tension throughout your entire core, so you'll see results faster," says Jessi Kneeland, a trainer at Peak Performance in NYC and creator of Remodel Fitness. We turned to her for four simple ways to supercharge the move. She recommends to hold each plank variation below for up to 30 seconds, rest, then repeat one to two more times.

6-Minute Arm Workout In Just 6 Moves

Whether you're waiting for the coffee to brew, catching a few TV commercials, or have a couple minutes before bed, you can squeeze in this six-minute workout! You'll notice a difference in your strength and in the look of your arms by doing this workout regularly. Grab a set of dumbbells (three- to six-pounders) and repeat this six-exercise, three-minute circuit twice through.

Workout Rules That Will Change Your Body

It can be frustrating to feel like you are logging hours in the gym without seeing the efforts manifest on your body. What gives? You may be doing it wrong, says fitness trainer and healthy chef Katy Clark, a former contestant on Food Network Star. She shared with us her tops tips for ramping up your workouts and see results;

5 Diet Tips To Build Lean Muscle

In order to build lean muscles and burn fat, you need to eat around 3 gms of protein per kilogram of body weight everyday, while reducing the carbohydrates intake. Building lean muscle mass include diet that is high in calories and revolve around healthy foods. The overall calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat intake determines how much muscle you gain, rather than any particular food. So, it’s kind of difficult to mention foods that are categorically best.

11 Killer Exercises to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Lower belly fat is the hardest to lose when you are trying to lose weight and tone your body. Exercises with the help of healthy diet can help you achieve this challenging task of toning those pesky lower abs. Mental focus is one of the key factor when engaging in workouts which involve the lower belly muscles. Our body posture also can make it look worse than it is. Correct posture, combined with proper fat busting diet and a killer exercise plan will help you loose the pooch much faster than you think. 

8 Single-Leg Exercises That Tone Your Entire Body

Working out both legs or arms together can keep you in the dark as to your real strength. Most people have a dominant side, so when you do a squat or leg press, the stronger leg naturally takes the lead. It’s very telling when you instead do a one-legged exercise like lunges. The weaker leg will struggle harder to complete the same number of repetitions.

9 Fitness Tips To A Killer Body

We all want that killer body, and also in time for the summer beach season. We try every diet out there, every weight loss programs for women, tried to workout every hour of the day but none of them has gotten us to that killer body. Have no fear, try these 9 simple fitness tips to help you get there in no time  just have to remember on how to move and on how to eat:

50 Moves to Work Your Entire Body

There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning with a little soreness from a great workout. It reminds you that you’re one step closer to hitting your goals. So change up your tired fitness routine and swap out moves for these new ones!

5 Moves To Blast Fat Fast

Not sure if your old party dress still fits? Before you battle the zipper, try incorporating these five moves into your workout to help shed some pounds! They will work all parts of your body and get your heart rate up, which is the best way to blast fat!

Strength Training VS. Cardio: Which is Best for Weight Loss

To lose weight, should you spend your gym time doing more cardio or more strength training? Well, it really depends on what you mean by “lose weight.” If you are in an epic battle with your scale, cardio is the way to go. If you want to look steamy under those fall sweaters, though, it’s time to cozy up to strength training.

Minute per minute, cardio indisputably burns more calories than strength training, which could explain why compared to strength trainers, aerobic exercisers lose more weight in less time, according to a recent Duke University study.

10 Minute Routine to Tone Your Whole Body

When the calendar is jam-packed, it’s tempting to push exercise to the back burner. And while you may not always feel like working out, you should recognize that exercise benefits your health and overall life, so we all have to work towards making exercise happen on a daily basis.

To help you squeeze fitness into your crazy days, take a look at the super-effective 10-minute head-to-toe toner below. Use these moves to achieve the body you want in the time you have, which is not a lot.

24 Effortless Fitness Hacks for Slimmer and Healthy Body

Do I need to exercise every time to get a slimmer body? This question might pop up in your mind every now and then. The answer is not necessarily.  Due to some health conditions, lack of interest or time, there is one amazing principle that you should follow: “Burn more calories than you take in.” This rule works wonders when accompanied with strict diet chart followed by a moderate workout activity like dancing, swimming, cycling or simply walking. 

Drink a lot of water, control your calorie intake by maintaining a stringent diet plan, stay active and remain accountable for every step you take and make reinforcements in your diet plan from time to time so as to keep yourself motivated. These are some of the common factors, which will reap positive rewards in your overall health and lifestyle. You can manage your weight diligently by simple tips and tricks. Read this article to find out effortless fitness hacks for a slimmer and healthy body without exercising.

Heavy Bag Workout- What Is It And What Are Its Benefits

Gyms look incomplete without a heavy bag. The heavy bag has always been one of the oldest, surest ways to get powerfully fit. There are many reasons why it should remain a part of your fitness routine; maybe even a part of your home. Let me show you why.

19 Foods Fit People Love

Do you ever wonder how fit people have found success? Nutrition and physical activity go hand and hand. You need carbohydrates and fats for fuel, protein to build and maintain lean muscle, and vitamins and minerals to help both metabolism and tissue construction. Fit people tend to eat mainly whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, veggies, and whole grains; all that are full of protein, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.  Here is a peak into a fit person’s food arsenal.

Read More On  19 Foods Fit People Love
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